U N L O C K I N G   T H E   P O W E R   O F   B U S I N E S S   A N D   M A R K E T S   F O R   T H E   G O O D   O F   H U M A N I T Y

The Social Strategy Perspective

All organizations have social impact. 

The positive influence of businesses in the world can be seen through the wealth and innovation they generate, the social interactions they facilitate, and the livelihoods they sustain.

Businesses solve problems, create opportunity, and provide an avenue for human creativity, ingenuity, and expression.

We want to maximize the positive influence of business through the core, essential elements of business practice (products, processes, and people) by helping business to reclaim the vision of business as a meaningful force for human flourishing.

We promote the practice of social strategy to elevate the positive impact of business on society.

Like-minded Organizations

Our Philoshophy

We believe in doing all we can to take care of what matters most: our people and our planet. Social, environmental, and economic struggles are globally ubiquitous on national, institutional, and personal levels. While businesses may not provide every solution, they are a powerful institution that, if harnessed correctly, can be one of the greatest forces for improvement.


What We Do

Each semester, we bring together a set of diverse minds to discuss the difficult problems organizations face. From these discussions, we develop actionable insights to increase the practice of social strategy.

These insights are then shared via web articles, conferences, and online courses.